Saturday, 25 January 2014

YouTube in PAKISTAN will be BACK soon!

when youtube opening in pakistanFew days ago the Pakistan’s Minister for IT and Telecom (Anusha Rehman) had hinted opening of youtube in matter of just very few days. It was told that filter is ready and already have been tested. Story further claimed that this filter is worth millions, is acquired by Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited (PTCL) and this filter will be able to block 4000 URLs only. I had objected that filter worth millions, so why its only capable of filtering only 4000 URLs but still many people were happy with this as at least the biggest video sharing website was going to open for Pakistanis.
We also had suspected that like other wondering stories this is also temporary measure from Anusha Rehman to get some publicity and  just calm the Pakistani people, who are waiting for this video sharing website, that work is under process at ministry. Also, we have already discussed that how critical it to get the website like Youtube in Pakistan as Ban is doing nothing but just only and only hurting the Pakistani People.
I am obviously not wanting the full opening of Youtube in Pakistan but I am only looking forward to Pakistani Government that they should do whatever other Muslim countries have did. Block the Blasphemous content and make the rest of website available to Pakistanis. Government can either block the content on its end or could have a contract with Google and they would do it on their end, which would be a more effective method to block all the copies of blasphemous content.
Many days are gone after she had hinted us and as we suspected, Anusha Rehman and her ministry is failed to take an action about the issue according to promises with Pakistani people. We would again advise our minister to concentrate more on ground work, put that firewall or filtering system in place and open all the resources up for Pakistanis which they deserve.
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